Lead your company
with clarity, confidence and foresight

At Advance Coaching, We guide founders from chaos and overwhelm to growth and success. We help them ace their inner game to overcome hurdles and transform their vision into reality.


“Being a founder is like being a high-performance athlete – you must perform at an extremely high level under immense
pressure to succeed. Like athletes, founders require comprehensive support. Advance™ is designed to put leaders in the strongest possible position to lead themselves and their companies to success.”



Join the tribe

Receive a free white paper on “Founder Coaching” and its benefits by signing up to our mailing list. We provide practical advice and helpful reflections to reach your full potential in work and life.


The range of
our solutions

Our offerings are a complete foundation for leaders wanting to ace their inner game. We offer a unique founder assessment tool, different coaching options, in-depth 360 degree performance reviews and our signature online course “Ace your Inner game”.

Founder Assessment

Gain insights
about yourself and others

Developed in collaboration with a PhD in psychology and utilizing extensive peer-reviewed literature, our Advance™ founder assessment analyzes 17 dimensions of entrepreneurship. It provides clear guidance on which strengths to capitalize on and which weaknesses to address.

Founder Course

Supercharge your leadership and
Ace Your Inner Game

Our signature online course provides you with the perfect foundation to become a successful entrepreneur. Covering the domains of mindset, health, and leadership, the course offers an engaging mix of deep insights, practical examples, and hands-on advice.

Founder Coaching

Go deeper
with Founder Coaching

Whether it’s 1-to-1 coaching, Co-Founder Coaching, or our Founder Circles, Advance Coaching can support you in making critical business decisions, developing necessary leadership skills to help your company scale, and addressing hidden blind spots that may be holding you back.


Aymeric de Pontbriand,

Founder Scortex

"Sebastian has been instrumental in supporting me through the roller coaster of running a company. His thoughtful approach helps center the mind and focus on tactical methods to achieving both my short- and long-term goals."

Jared Schwartzentruber,


Tope Alabi,

Founder Afriex

"Sebastian has been instrumental in helping me think through a lot of founder and CEO level strategic decisions for the company and for myself. His background and experience as a founder has let him come from a point of experience that has been invaluable! Amazing coach”

Behailu Tekletsadik,


Johannes Jaeckle,

Founder Heron Data

"By engaging deeply with the fabric of my work relationships, Sebastian has been a reliable source of guidance in helping me manage and navigate interpersonal challenges at work. His knack for asking the right questions has consistently led to meaningful reflection, greater self-awareness, and development in my leadership style."

Alexander Sloan

Motion App

Julian Prokay

Founder TrueBuild

"Sebastian has been an invaluable resource for me as the CEO of Pastel. His expertise in navigating topics around improving founder dynamics, product, and business model has been instrumental in our success. On a personal level, his coaching has helped me improve my decision-making skills and become a more effective leader. I cannot recommend him highly enough!"

Abuzar Royesh


Get more insights
from our blog

How to Hire a COO for Your Startup – Essential Qualities and Hiring Process

As a startup founder, your days are filled with a variety of challenges, such as developing your product and raising capital. As your company grows, the operational demands can quickly become overwhelming for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

How to Onboard a New Hire – Advanced Strategies for High-Growth Startups

For high-growth startups, effective onboarding is not just a nice-to-have—it’s a critical driver of success. While basic onboarding practices are widely known, a more sophisticated approach can give your startup a significant edge in talent retention and employee engagement.

How to Successfully Outsource for Startups – A Practical Guide

The concept of a centralized, in-house team has become increasingly outdated in the startup ecosystems. Today’s most successful startups operate as reactive, distributed networks of talent, leveraging global expertise to drive innovation and scale rapidly.

Join the tribe

Receive a free white paper on what “Founder Coaching” is and its benefits by signing up to our mailing list. We provide practical advice and helpful reflections to reach your full potential in work and life.


Frequently asked questions

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Our coaching is tailored to founders of startup companies who seek to grow their businesses, develop personal leadership skills, and maintain their health under pressure.

How do I join Advance Coaching?

Interested founders can set up a discovery call through our website. The application process includes a brief questionnaire about your startup and goals, followed by a consultation call to ensure our program aligns with your needs.

What results can I expect from coaching?

Coaching addresses the areas of your work / life that you want to improve. Whether that is in specific aspects of leadership skills, having more clarity and confidence in your business positioning and strategy, resolving conflicts with your Co-Founder or experiencing enhanced personal health – coaching will identify and strengthen your unique areas for growth.

What is the cost of Advance Coaching?

Pricing depends on your individual needs. Please book a Discovery call to find out more.