Founder Focus:
Actionable Advice from the Field

How to Hire a COO for Your Startup – Essential Qualities and Hiring Process

As a startup founder, your days are filled with a variety of challenges, such as developing your product and raising capital. As your company grows, the operational demands can quickly become overwhelming for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

How to Onboard a New Hire – Advanced Strategies for High-Growth Startups

For high-growth startups, effective onboarding is not just a nice-to-have—it’s a critical driver of success. While basic onboarding practices are widely known, a more sophisticated approach can give your startup a significant edge in talent retention and employee engagement.

How to Successfully Outsource for Startups – A Practical Guide

The concept of a centralized, in-house team has become increasingly outdated in the startup ecosystems. Today’s most successful startups operate as reactive, distributed networks of talent, leveraging global expertise to drive innovation and scale rapidly.

How to Give Feedback Effectively – Practical Tips for Founders

The ability to give and receive feedback effectively can make or break your startup’s success. While many founders excel at product development or fundraising, many people struggle to give effective feedback, and it’s frequently ignored.

Essential Customer Acquisition and Retention KPIs for Startup Founders: A Comprehensive Guide

For startup founders, understanding and optimizing customer acquisition and retention are crucial for sustainable growth. Identifying key metrics is essential for driving startup growth and informed decision-making.

Essential Revenue and Profitability KPIs for Startup Founders

As a startup founder, understanding and tracking the right startup metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and key metrics is vital for steering your business toward success.

How Much Should You Pay Yourself as a Startup Founder? Expert Insights and Data-Driven Approaches

Determining an appropriate salary for startup founders is a critical decision that significantly impacts both personal finances and the company’s long-term success.

How to Hire a CTO for Your Startup: A Comprehensive Guide for Founders

The role of a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is crucial for tech companies, especially startups. A CTO translates your vision into technological reality, shaping the company’s technical direction and ensuring scalability.

How to Do Budgeting for Your Startup – Essential Tips and Tricks

As a founder, your to-do list is likely endless, involving many aspects of the business. Among these, one of the most crucial yet often overlooked tasks is budgeting.

Preventing Founder Burnout: Effective Strategies for CEOs and Startup Founders

As a startup founder or CEO, you’re no stranger to long hours, high stakes, and relentless pressure. But when does the entrepreneurial grind cross the line into the huge risk of dangerous territory?

How to Build Trust in a Startup Team – Overcoming Trust Issues

In the high-stakes environment of startups, trust is a critical yet often overlooked element of team dynamics. As a startup founder or business owner, you’re not just building a product or service; you’re cultivating a team that can withstand the pressures of rapid growth, pivots, and the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.

How to Hire a CFO for Your Startup – Key Roles, Responsibilities, and Recruitment

Startups change fast. Financial expertise can make the difference between scaling and going bankrupt. As your startup grows, you’ll likely reach a point where financial management becomes too complex for a startup founder or a basic bookkeeper to handle effectively, necessitating the expertise of finance professionals.

Frameworks for Decision-Making in a Startup

In the fast-paced world of startups, making informed decisions quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Frameworks for Decision-Making in a Startup are crucial tools that can help startup founders and leaders navigate the constant challenges that require swift and effective decision-making.

How to Lead Meetings Effectively as a Startup Founder? – 22 Actionable Tips

As a startup founder, your time is precious. Every minute counts when you’re building a company from the ground up. Yet, meetings, (whether we are talking about team, board, or shareholder meetings) are an inevitable part of your daily tasks.

How to find the perfect Co-founder – Essential Qualities to Look for in Your Potential Partner

If you want to build a successful startup, few things are as important as finding the right co-founder. If things go right, this person will be your teammate for many years to come, sharing your vision and complementing your skills to propel your business forward.

Cultivate a Thriving Company Culture in Your Startup — Essential Guide for Founders

Startup culture is an ecosystem of values, behaviours, and attitudes that define a young, growing company. It’s a blend of the founder’s vision, the collective personality of early employees, and the shared experiences of building something from the ground up. To ensure long-term success, it’s crucial to cultivate a thriving company culture in your startup.

How to Fire Well – A Step-by-Step Guide How to Fire Employees at a Startup

As a startup founder, you’ve likely poured your heart and soul into building your company. You’ve carefully selected each team member, hoping they’d be the perfect fit for your vision. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, things don’t work out. This is when knowing how to fire well becomes essential to maintaining your company’s culture […]

How to Motivate and Retain Employees in a Fast-Paced Startup – Strategies to Keep Your Best People Onboard

In the rush of launching and growing a startup, your team is the backbone of your operations. They’re the ones turning your ideas into reality, and without them, nothing is possible.

How to Manage a Remote Team: Effective Strategies for Scaling Your Startup Remotely

The digital revolution has transformed how we work, with many companies embracing the flexibility and benefits of remote work. This shift presents a unique opportunity for startups too.

Why You Should Hire a Chief of Staff – Key Benefits and Tips

If you find yourself falling short of your weekly objectives, or you achieve them but feel drained, consider hiring a Chief Of Staff (COS) or Exec Ops. This is why you should hire a Chief of Staff to help manage your workload effectively.

Minimize Your Risks with Minimum Viable Testing – MVT vs. MVP Explained

Ever since the Lean Startup book was published in 2011, most Startup founders have been following the advice to conduct customer research and swiftly launch a minimum viable product (MVP).

Top Supplements for Better Work-Life Balance – Reduce Stress and Increase Focus

As a startup founder or executive, you are probably too familiar with tumultuous ups and downs, unending to-do lists, adrenaline-fueled all-nighters, and frenzied sprints to ship your new product.

How to Raise Funding for Your Startup – Essential Strategies and Tips

Raising funds for your startup involves more than structuring pitches and decks; investing time in establishing and nurturing relationships with potential investors can significantly boost your chances of securing a deal. Understanding how to raise funding for your startup is crucial to this process.

How to Resolve Co-Founder Conflicts – Effective Strategies and Tips

Do you and your co-founder constantly butt heads? You are not alone. In fact, research indicates that 65% of startups fail due to co-founder and founder conflict. But fear not, this doesn’t have to be your story.

How to Build a Data Room for your startup – a comprehensive guide for founders

Imagine you’re a startup founder raising capital. Pitch decks are flying, and potential investors are showing interest. But then investors ask for access to your data room.

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Frequently asked questions

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Our coaching is tailored to founders of startup companies who seek to grow their businesses, develop personal leadership skills, and maintain their health under pressure.

How do I join Advance Coaching?

Interested founders can set up a discovery call through our website. The application process includes a brief questionnaire about your startup and goals, followed by a consultation call to ensure our program aligns with your needs.

What results can I expect from coaching?

Coaching addresses the areas of your work / life that you want to improve. Whether that is in specific aspects of leadership skills, having more clarity and confidence in your business positioning and strategy, resolving conflicts with your Co-Founder or experiencing enhanced personal health – coaching will identify and strengthen your unique areas for growth.

What is the cost of Advance Coaching?

Pricing depends on your individual needs. Please book a Discovery call to find out more.