Advancing founders
to help advance humanity

We believe that founders and entrepreneurs hold immense potential to shape our collective future in a way that is wholesome and worth living in. Yet, it requires profound self-awareness and leadership presence to truly design a better world. We offer personalized leadership training to empower visionary entrepreneurs to lead with clarity, courage and foresight.

“The real problem of humanity is that we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.“

Edward O. Wilson,

American biologist, ecologist, and entomologist, founder of sociobiology


We stand at a defining moment in human history. Exponential technologies like AI, CRISPR and others will likely alter human life in unimaginable ways. Many of us feel that profound change is around the corner.

There has never been a more crucial time for wise and compassionate leadership. The decisions made today will likely echo for generations to come, shaping whether

future societies are defined by more equitable and sustainable prosperity or deepening divisions and planetary destruction.

It is entrepreneurs and founders who will play a key role in determining the path ahead.

Successfully navigating this exponential future will require more than just business acumen but profound self-awareness, humility, and moral courage.

At Advance, our vision is to cultivate leadership that is able to rise to the occasion of meeting the unprecedented challenges of our time with clarity, courage and wisdom. Through personalized coaching, we aim to support founders in developing:

Deep self-knowledge

An Ability to consider unitended consequences

A Leadership approach rooted in service, collaboration and shared purpose.

We want to help them bring bold visions to life while developing the discernment and foresight to responsibly pioneer our collective future. We see a future in which entrepreneurs are wise stewards of people, planet, and future generations.

So that by developing strengths like empathy and intuition, they can build a future defined not just by what we create technologically, but by who we become spiritually and socially.

Our mission is to play a small role in birthing a new era of leadership. So that future generations may inherit a renewed world - one that is healthier, fairer and balances human flourishing with care for global commons.

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Frequently asked questions

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Our coaching is tailored to founders of startup companies who seek to grow their businesses, develop personal leadership skills, and maintain their health under pressure.

How do I join Advance Coaching?

Interested founders can set up a discovery call through our website. The application process includes a brief questionnaire about your startup and goals, followed by a consultation call to ensure our program aligns with your needs.

What results can I expect from coaching?

Coaching addresses the areas of your work / life that you want to improve. Whether that is in specific aspects of leadership skills, having more clarity and confidence in your business positioning and strategy, resolving conflicts with your Co-Founder or experiencing enhanced personal health – coaching will identify and strengthen your unique areas for growth.

What is the cost of Advance Coaching?

Pricing depends on your individual needs. Please book a Discovery call to find out more.