Why You Should Hire a Chief of Staff – Key Benefits and Tips

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Sebastian Dienst

Coach, Facilitator & Director of Coaching

Sebastian Dienst is the Founder and Lead Coach of Advance™. With over 15 years of experience co-founding multiple businesses and two decades studying mind-body wisdom traditions, Sebastian brings a unique blend of expertise in supporting founders to break through challenges and to activate their highest potential. His transformational approach helps clients authentically pioneer change by connecting with their essence and pioneering change from a place of self-knowledge. Blending analytical and intuitive methods, Sebastian guides individuals to unlock their innate capacities for influential, wholehearted leadership.

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Last Updated: September 4, 2024

If you find yourself falling short of your weekly objectives, or you achieve them but feel drained, consider hiring a Chief Of Staff (COS) or Exec Ops. This is why you should hire a Chief of Staff to help manage your workload effectively.

Many CEOs we coach have found great value in this role. In fact, we often recommend it as the first hire, whether you’re under our guidance or not.

This article explores the value of a COS, what they do, and how to find the perfect fit for your startup.

Learn how to free up your time, streamline operations, and focus on growing your business with the help of a skilled COS.

For a start, here’s who a Chief of Staff is and what one can do to help you.

Chief of Staff Role and Responsibilities

A COS not only ensures tasks are accomplished, but also excels in systematic operations, managing processes, and essentially guiding your company.

Some core responsibilities include:

1. Managing your calendar and schedule: Ensure your time is spent on the most important activities.

2. Streamlining operations: Identify inefficiencies and implement systems to improve workflow.

3. Project management: Oversee key projects, keeping them on track and within budget.

4. Communication and information flow: Act as a central hub, filtering information and ensuring clear communication across all levels.

5. Strategic planning: Provide valuable input on company strategy and help develop long-term goals.

In essence, a COS becomes your right-hand person, a strategic partner who keeps the company running smoothly and efficiently.

Why should you hire a Chief of Staff? Example

Let’s say you’re constantly firefighting and struggling to keep up. You have a million-dollar idea for a new product launch but feel bogged down by operational minutiae. A COS can step in and become your secret weapon. The COS will handle the product launch logistics, manage communication with stakeholders, and anticipate potential roadblocks. This allows you to focus on refining the product vision and securing funding, ensuring a successful launch.

Now that we’ve seen how a Chief of Staff can become a valuable asset to your company, the question is “how do you find the ideal candidate to fill this critical role”?

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When recruiting a Chief of Staff and deciding which responsibilities to assign, it’s essential to evaluate their expertise. From this perspective, three types of COSs can be identified:

1. Junior COS: Prefers a supportive role and acts as a high-functioning personal and executive assistant.

2. Senior COS: Can support with more complex tasks and decision-making, aspires to lead a department.

3. Very Senior COS: Has substantial experience, allowing them to become the COO eventually. They’re seasoned enough that other executives feel comfortable reporting to them.

Regardless of who you hire first, having both a junior and a senior version is beneficial in the long run.


Great COSs are not just about skill sets; they’re people you genuinely enjoy being around, especially since you’ll be spending lots of time together! Here’s a simple breakdown of what to look for based on experience levels:

1. Junior Level:

– Someone who aspires to be a fantastic personal and executive assistant.

– It’s key that they’re keen on supporting and growing in this role over the long term, rather than aiming to head their own division or company.

2. Mid-Level:

– Beyond the basics, they should have a good grasp of business strategies.

– A few years at leading management consulting firms, like Bain, BCG, or McKinsey, is a good indicator of this expertise. A sprinkle of experience in the tech scene is a lovely bonus, ensuring they’re up to date with the latest productivity tools. This is a cherry on top, not a necessity!

3. Senior Level:

– At this stage, a lengthy stint at a consulting firm is fantastic. Alternatively, some experience leading a team, even a small one, in a tech environment is also ideal. Think along the lines of 10-15 years of professional experience.

– On the topic of experience years, they’re not just about the skills gained. There’s also the comfort factor. Exec Ops, who are generally in their 30s and 40s, often find it more reassuring to collaborate with someone who’s at least in their 30s. It’s all about mutual understanding and rapport!


Your Chief of Staff should have access to all your information, even sitting beside you to observe your decision-making processes. For remote setups, a few months of in-person training is crucial, followed by virtual shadowing. With time, they’ll alleviate your workload.

It’s important to differentiate between the traditional perception of COS and the role you’re offering. Some see it as an endpoint, while others view it as dynamic CEO training. Clarify this during the hiring process to attract the right talent.

Further Advice

– While some might view it as a way to deflect responsibility or appear aloof, the key is never to let your COS act as a gatekeeper. You should still communicate directly.

– Finding the “perfect” fit shouldn’t delay the hiring process. Start the 30-day shadowing period with a promising candidate and adapt as needed.

– Some COS might solely take on scattered projects, while others have full access, shadowing CEOs and getting a holistic view of company operations. The latter often transition to more strategic roles, such as a COO. Emphasize this potential during recruitment.

– Once a COS moves away from their primary shadowing role as they take on bigger tasks, it may be advisable (depending on your company stage) to hire another COS to ensure that there’s always someone shadowing the CEO while others take on larger projects or manage departments.


In conclusion, a Chief of Staff can be a game-changer for busy startup founders. By offloading administrative tasks, streamlining operations, and providing strategic support, a COS empowers you to focus on high-level vision and growth. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin, consider hiring a Chief of Staff and bring this asset on board. Your future self will thank you.

If you’d like to talk more about this topic or if you need coaching, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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